Tuesday, December 21, 2010

To celebrate my Last exam...

So today I have my last exam and I thought I'd post a few edits to celebrate the fact that after the exam I get to ski for the next 2 weeks... anyways happy holiday's and below is Torstein Horgmo and Tall Tee styling.... and after the jump check the smooth stylez of B-dog and E'Dollo  in the latest installment of the B and E show... so after watch more of Torstein's vimeo I realized he's a pretty funny guy and I had to include the how to: make <3 to your board.... see it after the jump oh and I guess us skiers get two ladies lol

Tall Tee from torstein horgmo on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lego and riding...sweet

So the people at Signal have probably created the most fun and child hood memory provoking board ever the lego Board


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Helltrack at Tahoe

This spring I am going to definitely build one of these...

Tahoe Helltrack from Zak Shelhamer on Vimeo.

Dragon Ball Steezy

So Yesterday while looking through all the plunder of Value Village I can across two Dragon Ball Z bandannas which I Snatched up quick. I don't know about you but I was hella stoked on this really crappy anime show when I was like 10 my mom can confirm this through memories of me begging for action figures that shot bit of glow in the dark plastic. So back to the bandannas, I have finished making one with photos below after the Jump. They are 100% cotton on the outside, then a layer of Bandfield gor-tex, followed by a layer of thin Merino wool to finish this wind/water proof bandanna. The tie-arms are made of the gor-tex as well. So ya here's my Dragon Ball Steezy Bandanna, Oh and sorry about the shitty quality photos all I have is my cellphone at the moment.  

Animals are Fucking Crazy

Epic cat battle with crow thrown in just just make shit interesting....
<br/><a href="http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/confusing-cat-crow-fight/1gl6bw6e5?fg=sharenoembed" target="_new"title="Confusing Cat Crow Fight">Video: Confusing Cat Crow Fight</a>

Bear Mountain With Dylan Alito And Johnny Lazz

Jibtastic time at Bear mountain... now if only bigwhite could get it together 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010